Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to homeland! Atgal i tevyne!

So, I left off with Ecuador as we were flying to Lithuania (or Poland to be exact, we got a ride back to Lithuania). To sum it up: it was AWESOME to be back home, eat familiar food (waaaaay... too much of it) and see faces of our families. First we went to Vilnius and spend the night (a VERY drunken night I might add) with good friends Eladijus and Snieguole. They were so welcoming that Ainius stayed up till 5 am or so (see the first picture him sleeping like a baby after too many drinks :) ) I passed out at around 2 or so. So the marathon of eating, drinking and visiting had a good start. After that we went to see my parents, friends left in Klaipeda and then Ainius's family and other friends along the way. It would be way too long and boring to describe how we ate smoked pig ears, fried bread with cheese and drank kvass (bread drink) until we gained solid 5 pounds each! I'll mention couple of highlights:
- suntanning by the Baltic sea without a bathing suit (loved it!)
- fishing in the lake in Moletai (Ainius loved it)
- huge party at Jurate's parents' place (great success - the whole fam showed up as well as some dear friends)
- Sea Festival in Klaipeda
- oh, did I mention food? :)
Back to the biggest reason why we went to Lithuania - passports... We got them with no problem along side with the Japanese visas, we are set to turn a new page of our lives - work... well, I should say work for Ainius, I'll try to figure out how to live well (financially and socially) without working for more than 5 hours a week!! :) I tasted the freedom of being absolutely lazy, I am willing to work a bit to be lazy for the rest of my life :) I'll keep you updated how it goes... I'm working on the first step: come up with some business plan, got a couple ideas, will share once I flush them out.
Anyway, next stop for now Alaska... Look for the next blog sometime in couple days or a week.

Paskutinis blogas buvo apie Ekvadora, sustojau ties skrydziu i Lietuva (tiksliau Lenkija, i Lietuva parveze du suvalkieciai, pakeliui nusipirke desros ir sviesto Lenkijoje...) Trumpai apibudinus musu kelione: buvo NUOSTABU pamatyti tevu, seimos ir draugu veidus, paragauti pazistamo maisto (tiesa pasakius neparagauti, bet prisipusti) ir pasibastyti po pazistamas ir nepazistamas vietoves. Pradejom viska nuo to kad susitikom su Snieguole ir Eladijum Vilniuje ir praleidom naktele gerdami bei kalbedami, as nuluzau apie 2 valanda, o Ainius baliavojo iki 5 ryto (paskui miegojo kaip kudikis [pirma nuotrauka]). Daug labai nepasakosiu, nes bus gana nuobodu, nes tikrai labai daug nenuveikem, tik valgem, gerem ir matemes su draugais ir giminem.
Ryskiausi musu keliones momentai:
- nudistu pliazias Giruliuose
- zvejyba Moletu ezerelyje
- didziulis balius pas Jurates tevu namuose
- o, ar as paminejau maista?
Labai malonu keliauti, noriu sugalvoti kaip gyventi labai gerai labai mazai dirbant! :) Kai sugalvosiu kazkokiu konkreciu planu, papasakosiu sitame bloge, turiu ideju, bet nera dar nieko konkretaus.
Kitas blogas bus apie Alaska! (Jau greitai uz poros dienu)

1 comment:

  1. na, pirma nuotrauka tikrai superine. Itariu, kad mums nuejus miegoti Ainius sumaise kas kuom uzsigeriama :))
