We are stuck in Miami... But let's start from the beginning. Saturday, May 16th we gathered at Nomeda and Arvydas house for a good-bye party. Everyone agreed - they have a sweet spot, especially for partying!!! We were so happy and grateful to see many of our dear friends. As I am writing this, sadness grips my heart, we didn't want to leave the people that we love... Thanks again for coming out and sharing those last moments together face to face. Also, due to your generosity we raised 460$ for a cause that we'll find in South America. I hope you enjoy the photos!
We got home after 3:30am!!!!! It was some good food, dancing and conversations!

Then, the packing started in earnest...
Of course most of the packing had to be done the last minute (you know us...)
We were running like mad around the house from 6 am (!) trying to put everything we own in boxes. If it wasn't for Andy, Raulis and Jurate, we would have missed our plane or left lots of junk for the new owners (both options not so preferable). Once we got in Raulis' car, sweating and panting, Ainius realized he forgot to put socks on... So our travel has started :)
Once we got to LA, where we had an overnight overlay, we were told that we couldn't pick up our bags... Once again, thanks for the generosity of our friend Mitra (we were so happy to see her and catch up) we were provisioned with fresh t-shirts to sleep in and everything else. Ahh, the blessings of good friends. As we were getting to our next flight we remembered one of our most favorite quotes (from the movie "In the wild" which we didn't like that much): "happiness ir real when shared."
You'd think that everything would go smoothly, but no, that's just not our style :) Once

PS, Elsa, I'm waiting for more pictures!!!! :)
Dabar reikia truputi lietuv

Pirmas skrydis buvo i Los Angeles, kur praleidom nakti pas drauge. Po to kita ryto skridom i Miami, Florida, bet vienam zmogui lektuve pasidare labai blogai ir teko apsukti lektuva ir gristi i Los Angeles trumpam, ka reiskia kad pavelavom i skrydi i Quito, Ekvadoras. Dabar sedim viesbutyje Majamyje (uz kuri sumokejo oro linijos) ir laukiam rytojaus skrydzio. Papasakosim kaip sekes nusigauti rytoj!
Yeah yeah yeah... More pics are coming...