Saturday Ainius had to work all day on reviewer comments for his book, so I got a chance to spend most of the day alone with Edith. After breakfast we went to her brother's car shop (Fernando is a mechanic), it took us 2.5 hours to walk there! Quito is really long - 40km and most of it is situated along side the mountains. The first thing we noticed right off the bat is pollution. The buses are spittin

Once we got to her brother's shop, we had to wait for her brother to put a new radio/CD player in her car and of course it took longer than expected. Many things here take longer than expected, so I guess it's the best not to have any expectations!

Since Ecuador is right on the equator, the sun rises and sets exactly at the same time every day: at 6 it's up and at 6:30 it's down, no exceptions! Also, the weather seems to be also pretty much the same all year round: around 50-60F in the mornings, 65-75F (might get to 80F) during the day and about 40-50F at night. It's not the tropics I was hoping for... However, it makes sense that it's not so warm here since Quito is the second highest capital in the world (after La Paz, I believe).
Sunday, we went to visit one of their highest active volcanoes Cotopaxi in the national park of Cotopaxi. It was drizzling in Quito as we set out to visit the volcano. Once we got there, the weather was absolutely miserable! The wind was blowing horizontally with little ice crystals with such force that we got soaked in 10 minutes... Also, I couldn't climb up... I think I have altitude problems: I was short of breath, nauseous and lightheaded, couldn't walk up longer than 20 minutes... Felt like a complete woos... especially when Ainius didn't feel a thing and probably could have run up the mountain with no problems. Oh well, we just hung out by the bus with others who also were experiencing altitude problems. The views were amazing even from where we were, so we didn't miss much.

Tomorrow more Spanish classes and hopefully we'll go for a walk in the old part of Quito.
Laisvas vertimas. Penktadieni vakare kartu su Edith ir Carlos kepeme tradicinius ekvadorietiskus blynelius. Jie gaminami su trintomis virtomis bulvemis ir svieziu suriu. Viskas sumaisoma, padaromi blyneliai, o po to jie pakepami. Ant blynu uzpilamas zemes riesutu padazas su svogunais. Jurate paprastai nemegsta tokiu "taivanietisku" padazu, bet si karta jai labai patiko. Beje, cia chebra valgo labai daug vaisiu, ypac pusryciams. O mums ju tik paduok. I mokykla kiekviena diena atveza svieziu bandeliu, tai per pertraukas raminame skrandzius.
Sestadieni Ainius visa diena darbavosi prie knygos projekto, o Jurate tuo tarpu bludino po miesta su Edith. Tiksliau Edith nusivede Jurate pas savo broli. Vaikis - mechanikas. Kadangi cia chebra atsipute, tai nenuostabu, kad ir sesei tenka laukti, kol brolis pataisys masina. Tuo tarpu mergikes isalko ir nusprende uzkasti. Na mesa ir kukuruzais lietuviu nenustebinsi, bet kepta kiaules oda valgom ne kiekviena diena. Atveze ir man pabandyti. Labai skanu, bet turi buti labai gerai pakepta, nes kitaip neimanoma atsikasti- guma ir tiek.
Kadangi Ekvadoras yra tiesiog ant ekvatoriaus, visus metus dienos (ir nakties) trukme nesikeicia. Saule kyla apie 6 val. ir leidziasi 6:30. Bent jau paskutines kelias dienas temperatura irgi atrodo labai pastovi. Ryte kokia 10-12 laipsniu silumos. Link vakaro susyla iki 20-25, o po to vel zemyn. Kas antra diena nulyja, bet nestipriai. Zodziu tropikais ne nekvepia, bet visu pirma del to, kad Quito yra labai aukstai virs juros lygio.
Sekmadieni vaziavome i ekskursija su grupe studencioku. Dauguma chebros arba is Vokietijos, arba is Amerikes. Nuvareme i Cotopaxi vulkano nacionalini parka. Niurus debesys gero nezadejo, bet vis tikejomes, jog rastas prapus. Atvaziave greitai isitikinome, kad musu viltims neteks issipildyti. Islipus is autobuso mus pasitiko vejas su krusa. Tiesiog "kaifas"! Be to dar 4 kilometru aukstis irgi daro savo itaka. Palipe kokias 10 minuciu ir gerokai suslape, nusprendeme grizti atgal (nors dauguma lipo toliau). Buvo pasiryzes zygiuoti iki galo, bet negi aimanuojancia zmona paliksi... ;) Is esmes nieko daug nepraradome, nes debesys praretejo tik po to, kai visi grizo atgal. Pasidziaugeme graziu vaizdeliu ir susoke i autobusa grizome namolio, kur musu lauke seimininkai su sriubos puodu. Vaizdelis vos ne lietuviskas - viraliukas su mesos kauliukais, bulvemis, pupomis ir pan. Zodziu, parijom kaip uz tevyne!
Siandien (pirmadieni) po pamoku zadejome pasitrinti po senamiesti, bet oras link vakaro subjuro, tai dareme namu darbus. Ech, tas studentiskas gyvenimas! Lyg mums jo kada truko!!
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Cotopaxi May 24 |